Resources for Men
As I Am, a retreat for men, centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ, helps men discover and develop their identity, mature in their masculinity, and heal emotional wounds.
Men's Group
Men's Group
Men of Good Will groups are currently or will soon be running in several locations.
Additional Resources
Get Involved in
Your Community
There are lots of way that you can get involved in your community. Below are a few examples.
Attending a group
Forming a group
Attending a retreat
Sponsoring a retreat
Sponsoring a workshop
Hi there, we're currently in the process of migrating our content to a new site. Some content has already moved and links here will take you to the new site. More to come!
This is one event in a series of free workshops introducing what we mean by "Christlike Masculinity™." This workshop is specifically about Identity - how you can define it, discover it, and create it.
The reality today is that boys and men turn to pop-culture, athletics, politicians, or worse sources, like pornography, to learn how to be a man, and it is leaving the world wanting for mature men. If Jesus Christ was the only “perfect” man, doesn’t it follow that he is the perfect male role model?
Then what do we mean by Christ-Like Masculinity? How can that change your personal identity? Curious?
We’d love an opportunity to share what we have discovered with you, as well as gather your thoughts on the subject. In addition, we want to demonstrate for you what the experiential processes are like on our men’s retreat, As I Am™.
Feelings - Workshop
This is one event in a series of free workshops introducing what we mean by "Christlike Masculinity." This workshop is specifically about Feelings - what creates emotion, how we experience emotion, and how to handle it in a healthy way.
Men today are taught conflicting messages about what emotions are acceptable to feel, how it is acceptable to express emotion, and when it is safe to show emotion. There seem to be unspoken rules about emotion for men, but the rules change and can be challenging to navigate. Is there something wrong with a man who gets angry at work? What about with his family? Or at a football game? Or what about sadness, is it ever acceptable for a man to cry? At work? At a wedding? At church?
If Jesus Christ was the only “perfect” man, then doesn’t it follow that he is the perfect male role model? How would the world be different if more men were men like unto Christ? The reality today is that boys and men turn to pop-culture or other stereotypical icons or worst of all pornography to learn how to be a man, and it is leaving the world wanting for mature men.
How did Christ exemplify healthy emotion? Curious?
We’d love an opportunity to share what we have discovered with you, as well as gather your thoughts on the subject. In addition, we want to demonstrate for you what the experiential processes are like on our men’s retreat, As I Am.
Brotherhood - Workshop
This is one event in a series of workshops for men introducing what we mean by "Christlike Masculinity." This workshop is specifically about Brotherhood - how we experience, create, and navigate Brotherhood, or meaningful relationships with other men.
The reality today is that boys and men in today's culture are becoming increasingly disconnected and lonely, but men need community and brotherhood. Brotherhood is more than someone to play ball with, or help you move, though that is part of it. So what is brotherhood?
If Jesus Christ was the only “perfect” man, doesn’t it follow that he is the perfect male role model? His relationship with His apostles can tell us much about how to create and sustain deep, satisfying, supportive relationships with other men. How do we use Christ's example of interacting with His apostles to develop our own brotherhoods? Curious?
We’d love an opportunity to share what we have discovered with you, as well as gather your thoughts on the subject. In addition, we want to demonstrate for you what the experiential processes are like on our men’s retreat, As I Am.
Upcoming Events
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